We Value Your Opinion

It is important for the management at San Diego HOA Management to determine your level of satisfaction with our services. By evaluating your comments, we will be in a better position to take any steps necessary to improve our company and its services. This is our goal. Likewise, the results of this survey can help your Board of Directors improve and make decisions.


Area of EvaluationExcellentGood SatisfactionPoorVery PoorNo Opinion
Accounting Department543210
Timeliness – Returning Calls543210
Timeliness - Solving Problems543210
Competence – Property Supervisor543210
Competence – Overall Management543210


Area of EvaluationStrongly AgreeAgreeNo OpinionDisagreeStrongly Disagree
I have confidence in the Board’s decisions54321
The CC&Rs and Rules are enforced fairly54321
The Board has been helpful to me54321
Landscaping Maintenance is good at our community54321
Our community is kept clean54321
Our association should spend more money on maintenance and repairs54321
Our community is a nice place to live54321


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Your Email
Your Association


San Diego HOA Management