Duties of HOA President or CEO
In the Common Interest Development industry, the terms President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) are used interchangeably. The Davis-Stirling Act uses the term President while the California Secretary of State uses the term Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
For our purposes, we will use CEO. The CEO is an officer elected by the board of directors of a home owner association.
The duties and powers of the CEO are generally set forth in the association’s bylaws. In addition to those duties and powers, it is common for the board of directors of an HOA to delegate or assign other duties to the CEO.
Duties of the CEO usually (but not always) include the following:
- Presiding over board and membership meetings.
- Being a cosigner on the association’s reserve account with one or more other board members.
- Serving as an ex officio member of committees.
- Meeting with contractors and vendors on site as required.
- Being the major point of contact with the management company.
- Monitoring the performance of the other officers and committees.
San Diego HOA Management